5 Reasons for Dental Implants

Dental implants are becoming more and more popular, and it’s easy to understand why. They’re convenient, lifelike and aesthetically pleasing. Here is a quick overview of the top five reasons why dental implants are a great remedy for tooth loss.

1)Dental implants are structurally complete. After the oral surgeon places the dental implant in the jaw, it becomes a permanent fixture in the mouth through a process known as osseointegration. That is, the surrounding bone fuses with the titanium implant, and as the end result, the implant becomes a root-like structure. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement device that have a physical link with the underlying jawbone.

2)Dental implants are stable over time, with proper care. Because the implant can act like a root, it helps to prevent jawbone erosion that unfolds when a tooth’s root is no longer present. That erosion changes the shape of the jaw, and a conventional appliance, like a denture or dental bridge can lose its fit over time.

3)Dental implants preserve more of the biological tooth’s functioning. Again, the connection between the bone and the implant is essential here. The implant can tolerate strong chewing forces necessary to process crunchy foods, like many fresh fruits and vegetables, preserving a patient’s capacity for adequate nutritional intake.

4)Dental implants are convenient to maintain. Dental implants do not require support from surrounding teeth, so there’s no structure that restricts access to the gum line. You can brush and floss with your dental implants just like you do with your natural teeth.

5)Dental implants are versatile. Your oral surgeon can place dental implants to support a single crown, a bridge or a denture, giving patients this option in a variety of tooth loss scenarios.

To learn more about the benefits of dental implants, contact our office and speak to one of our staff members. We can answer any questions you may have, and we encourage you to schedule a consultation to see if dental implants might be a good option for you.

Tooth human implant (done in 3d graphics)


School is about to be out, and your children are probably already planning a summer of fun. However, did you know summer break is the ideal time for your children to have their wisdom teeth removed.

Your teenager might not want to hear this, but summer is the ideal time to schedule their surgery. After a wisdom teeth extraction, there is a necessary period of recovery. During school year, this could mean a few days or even a week of missed classes. Scheduling the surgery during summer can help your children concentrate on resting and recovering without stressing on missed assignments.

If your children are late teens and leaving for college, now is the time to plan wisdom teeth removal. The last thing you would want to deal with is a phone call from your child in terrible pain from wisdom teeth eruption.

Need more information about wisdom teeth extraction? Or thinking of scheduling an appointment for this summer? Contact us today to discuss options with our experienced and caring dental team.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth can drive patients to the brink of desperate pain relief. One sign of pain in the back of the jaw usually means impacted wisdom teeth. There are an array of symptoms and signs that will alert you something is not right. Once you have an assumption something is wrong, it’s time to take action!

Three primary signs of impacted wisdom teeth:
1. Toothache, sharp pains coming from the back of the mouth.
2. Swelling around the jaw.
3. Tender, swollen, bleeding red gums.

Other common signs would be:
1. Bad Breathe
2. Headache, pain between jaw & skull. Known as TMJ
3. Unpleasant taste in your mouth.
4. Swollen glands.
5. Difficult opening mouth.
6. Even ear aches.

Call to Action:
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please call our offices to help you relieve your pain.